Thursday, October 1, 2009

Crooks & Rooks - Bambu- 2009 Chicago International Hip-Hop Film Festival "Best Music Video"

From festival director Geoff Harkness:
"This was the most competitive category, so your win is a true testament to how amazing we thought the video was. Congratulations! 'Crooks and Rooks'is one of the most creative videos I've seen in a long time. Obviously, the other judges thought so, too! The shooting, the editing, everything was so amazing. One of the judges talked about how simple yet effective the different colored tennis balls were to telling the story. It was truly a work of art, and it looked and sounded even better on the big screen."
This award marks the second time the LUMPIA crew has won a BEST MUSIC VIDEO Award. The first was for the Native Guns "Champion" video at the 2007 San Diego Asian Film Festival (also featuring Bambu). Congrats everyone!

For More Info: Chicago Hip-Hop Film Festival Winners

Posted By: Nique