One of Dongalo Wreckords Artist/rapper known as Nasty Mac passed away yesterday Sept. 1,2008 @ 11:45 PM (Don-G's post on friendster).. and according to our sources the cause of his death is
Aneurysm (or aneurism) due to High Blood pressure... we @ SoulSonic was shocked by this news.. This month alone a lot of bad news came out.. first is Francis M. who is Diagnosed with Leukemia.. Second is Ely Buendia's heart attack and it happened during their reunion concert last saturday where SoulSonic Staff is present... Now we got another and this time we actually lost someone from the music industry... for those who doesn't know Nasty Mac became a household name on Salbakuta's 2002 hit single "Stupid Love" where he guested on.. and it became a movie with the same title where he also starred together with Andrew E., Blakdyak, Salbakuta, Maui Taylor and other known actors... SoulSonic wanna give our condolences to Nasty Mac's family, friends and colleagues... R.I.P.